
My name is William (Will) Bohrer.


I'm fluent in...

  • Lua
  • HTML
  • CSS

I'm still learning...

  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Bootstrap

I want to learn...

  • C++
  • C#

Projects Info


A project designed to showcase the power of Python and how it could be used on the web. It includes a variety of calculators meant to help with math homework. Uses PyScript, a tool that integrates Python into HTML.

My Grandma's Story

An oral history project for Social Studies. I interviewed my grandmother, and created a project based on a major historical event she talked about. Basic HTML and CSS.

Summer Countdown

A project made for fun to count down until summer vacation starts. Originally created for Park City School District. Basic HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5.

Dairy King

A website created for a College and Career Awareness project related to business. Features an ice cream café and its menu. Basic HTML, Javascript, and Bootstrap 5.


Projects Info

The Ecker Hill Times


An online, weekly newsletter I cofounded in 2022 while in seventh grade. Sent by email to around 80 subscribers with an average of 6 pages per issue.

© 2023 William Bohrer. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License: Full license