About Dairy King and its founders

Dairy King was founded as an 'ice cream café' project for a College and Career Awareness class (a business and marketing one). It has four founders: William Bohrer, Sebastian King, Ezekiel Riemer, and Harrison Alderman. They came up with the name as a joke reference to *Dairy Queen©, a popular fast food chain. Today, Dairy King is not in operation, as we have only served ice cream on May 19, 2023, this website still serves as a public archive of our work.

*Dairy King is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Dairy Queen©. This project was created merely for educational purposes, and will always stay that way. Our copyright (MIT license) is open-source, and merely gives evidence of our original work.
© 2023 William Bohrer, Sebastian King, Ezekiel Riemer & Harrison Alderman. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License: Full license